jueves, 16 de abril de 2015


nila northSun 

Poeta nativa americana e historiadora tribal.

Poemas realistas de northSun, sobre la vida dentro y fuera de la reserva la han convertido en una de los escritoras más leídas de todos los poetas americanos nativos.

northSun nació en 1951 en Schurz, Nevada de madre Shoshone y padre Chippewa, activista del Native American Renaissance.

Criada en el área de la Bahía de San Francisco, es graduada de la Universidad de Montana-Missoula.

En 2000, los "Amigos de la Biblioteca" grupo de la Universidad de Nevada la honró con el Premio de Plata de la pluma de logro literario excepcional. El gobernador Kenny Guinn la designó al Consejo Estatal de las Artes de Nevada ese mismo año. 

En 2004, recibió el premio "Indigenous Heritage Award in Literature" de ATAYL, una agencia internacional.

Vive en la reserva Fallon Paiute-Shoshone en Fallon, Nevada y trabaja como escritora para el Reno-Sparks Colonia Indígena. 



whipped cream and sushi (2008)
Love at gunpoint (2007)
A snake in her mouth: poems 1974–96 (1997)
Small bones, little eyes: poems (1981) (with Jim Sagel)
Coffee, dust devils and old rodeo bulls: poems (1979) (with first husband Kirk Robertson)
Diet pepsi and nacho cheese: poems (1977)

No ficción

After the Drying Up of the Water , a tribal history of the Fallon Paiute -Shoshone (1980)


Traducción: Márgara Averbach


con el tiempo 
tal vez nos parezcamos más 
pero por ahora 
yo tengo puestos 
dos pares de medias y 
capas de otras prendas 
sentada en la puerta trasera 
sin luna, una luz en el porche, 
un ron con coca cola, un lápiz y un papel, 
escuchando música country 
mientras él 
se sienta desnudo en un tipi para hacerse el baño 
de vapor 
y reza al abuelo 
y luego salta en el río 
después corre hasta casa seis kilómetros 
y me hace el amor 
y nuestros mundos se unen. 


given time 
we may become more alike 
but for now 
i’m dressed in 
two pairs of socks & 
layers of other clothes 
sitting on the back porch 
with no moon, a porchlight, 
a rum & coke, a pen & paper 
listening to country music 
while he 
sits naked in a sweatlodge 
praying to grandfather  
jumping in the river afterwards 
then he’ll jog home 4 miles 
& make love to me 
& our worlds come together. 

boomerang kid

they call this generation
boomerang kids
1 in 7 grown kids returning
to the parent's home
maybe while they go to college
maybe when they lose their jobs
maybe when new marriages fail
and now i find my daughter
with her 3 year old
sleeping on an air mattress
in the living room
of my small 1 bedroom apartment

today i ate my cereal
on my bed and didn't cook bacon
as my kitchen is where
their sleeping heads lay
i didn't watch the morning news
as that is where
their feet and clothes boxes are

today i will see about getting
wireless internet
so she can do job searches
on friday when i get paid
we will go grocery shopping
so she can pick foods she likes
maybe next week i will make
a doctor's appointment
to get valium my chill-pills
anticipating frayed nerves
though i love them both
i'm used to my oneness with myself.


3rd day of spring
snow flurries and whipping wind
i see a mama pushing a stroller
barefoot baby no hat no gloves
i circle the block and park
go looking for this mama
and say 'where's your baby's socks?
where's your baby's shoes?'
she says 'you don't know me'
i say 'i don't but i'm a gramma of
a 1 year old and a 2 year old and a momma of others'
and this isn't right
and take off my gloves and put them
on his feet
he's not fussing or crying
he's just accepting the freezing
'what's his name?'
'jeramiah' how old? one.
i say come with me and she does
i go to my car where i have my
baby car seat and rummage among
the toys to find a hat and blanket
and snackie foods and a toy
she says bless you and goes off
i run up to my apartment find socks
find a warm coat and run back down
but she's gone
i drive around looking for her
all gone
i stand on my balcony looking
over the city blocks
jeramiah may you find warmth
in the cold
coolness in desert heat
and food for your tiny belly
give your momma strength
to make a life beyond homeless.

braking for pigeons

in these trying times
when all the news seems bad
when son-in -law loses his job
along with 3 million others
when co-worker loses house
to foreclosure
all the headlines come
to roost

when nevada's stats
for elders show
twice the national average
in suicide
and heavy alcohol use
could cause a
non-smoker to light one up
down a shot
and think of ways out
of this life

the car next to me
slows to a stop
as a pigeon struts in
that lane and then
crosses to mine
i do not slow
as he takes wing
knowing full well how
to negotiate downtown
i am amused at the driver
expecting an excitable
teenage girl
or old peta member
instead see
a middle-aged hispanic man
a toothpick clenched in his teeth
no doubt freeing a
chunk of meat wedged
in his cuspids
and i laugh
cause now
more than ever
laughing is important.

nila northSun, of Shoshone-Chippewa descent, is the daughter of renowned Native American activist, Adam Fortunate Eagle - one of the more prominent figures in the 1969-1971 Indian takeover of Alcatraz. She is identified with the Native American Renaissance of the 1970s and 1980s; her poem "moving camp too far" remains a sentinel work of the period. northSun has published three volumes of poetry, a snake in her mouth; Small Bones, Little Eyes; and Diet Pepsi and Nacho Cheese; and authored After the Drying Up of the Water: A Tribal History, a history of the Paiute-Shoshone tribe. She lives on the Stillwater Indian Reservation in Fallon, Nevada, where she works as a grant writer. Her poems bridge family history and traditional tribal identity with the challenges of being a contemporary American woman.

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