sábado, 3 de enero de 2015

ROGER HICKIN [14.407] Poeta de Nueva Zelanda

Roger Hickin

Roger Hickin (Nueva Zelanda  1951) es poeta y artista visual. Su obra plástica ha sido expuesta en las mejores galerías de Nueva Zelanda y sus poemas han sido publicados en The Listener y otras revistas nacionales e internacionales. Entre sus libros se encuentran: Up That Country Road (2005), Waiting for the Transport y The Situation and Other Poems (2009). Es director de Cold Hub Press.

Según Machado

Según Machado
en los crudos días de invierno
don Julián Sanz del Río
usaba su gabán al revés
creyendo que de esa manera
se mantenía más abrigado
cualquiera pensaría que un Dios omnisciente
mostraría algún interés por un pobre
filósofo krausista español panenteísta
del siglo diecinueve
evitándole así verlo sometido a tal indignidad
pero supongo
que el panenteísmo krausista no lo abarca todo
y, por tanto, nada tiene escrito sobre las payasadas
de los profesores excéntricos.

Traducción de Rogelio Guedea

Roger Hickin 

New Zealand since 1985. Although he has written poetry since the 1960s, his main preoccupation was with sculpture & painting until the early 2000s when poetry began to demand more serious attention. A poem about a moribund rooster is still recalled by some who heard it at a reading in the public bar of the City Hotel, Dunedin, in 1983. 
Two collections of Hickin’s poetry, Waiting for the Transport and The Situation & other poems, appeared in 2009. His Cold Hub Press publishes poetry by New Zealand & international writers. He lives in Governors Bay on Lyttelton Harbour.

Thanks to Roger for permission to use this poem which appears on the Phantom Billstickers' poetry posters. I took a stroll up to a nearby main road on National Poetry Day to have a look at the posters there and spotted this one. It's a strange place to post them as there is not much foot traffic, mainly cars and heavy trucks thundering by on their way through to the port at Lyttelton. I thought it was an appropriate day to give the posters a bit of attention.

For more Tuesday Poems visit the main hub site - check out this week's post, and the poets in the sidebar.


a wayfaring stranger who climbs 
a steep village street 
an old embroidress who’s lost her needle–– 
stranger stoops to help her look 
but soon gives up–– lo siento 
needle nowhere to be seen 

wizened stub of a woman opposite
watches squatting on her doorstep––
está loca she informs the stranger–– 
the embroidress is nuts 
she’s got no needle

a few doors up a younger woman points
at woman two–– take no notice of her 
she advises–– está sorda 
she’s stone deaf doesn’t hear
a word you say

all this–– perhaps a comedy routinely played 
to confuse the wayfaring stranger 
who threads his way
up the narrow street
inclined to doubt 
wanting to believe 

in the existence of the needle 

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